Einträge von Verwalter

MTI PCBA: Leading the Future of Electronics Manufacturing with Excellence and Innovation

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the demand for reliable, high-quality PCB (Printed Circuit Board) solutions is greater than ever. Shenzhen Mintec Innovation Technology Industry Co., Ltd (MTI) stands at the forefront of this industry, offering cutting-edge PCB design, manufacturing, and assembly services to clients around the globe. With its headquarters in Shenzhen, China, MTI […]

Besondere Anforderungen für Varistoren im PCBA-Design

Understanding the specific demands concerning varistors in PCB assembly (PCBA) design is essential. Here’s a breakdown of what PCBA design demands from varistors: Operating Temperature/Storage: Maintain the working temperature of the circuit within the specified range outlined in the product’s specifications. After assembly, store the circuit within the product’s specified temperature range when it’s not […]

Optimierung der SMT-Bestückung: Wichtige Überlegungen für die Qualitätsproduktion

In the daily production process, meticulous attention to various production details is crucial to ensuring superior manufacturing quality. Adhering strictly to stipulated requirements with a dedicated and responsible approach during production is fundamental for lean processing, which is pivotal for the sustenance of business growth. Below, our team at the SMT Mounting Factory in MTI […]

Die Vor- und Nachteile der OSP-Oberflächenveredelung bei Leiterplatten verstehen

As a comprehensive PCBA manufacturer, we aim to shed light on the significance and nuances of OSP (Organic Solderability Preservatives) surface finishing in PCB manufacturing. OSP, or Organic Solderability Preservatives, also known as Copper Protective Agent, is a widely-used surface treatment method that shields exposed copper from air during PCB fabrication. However, as with any […]

Wie lässt sich die Verformung von Leiterplatten bei der PCBA-Herstellung während des SMT-Prozesses verhindern?

How to Prevent PCB Warping in PCBA Manufacturing during SMT Process During the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) manufacturing process, Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) can experience warping, leading to various defects such as component misalignment and tombstoning. In this article, we will discuss effective methods employed by Shenzhen PCBA manufacturers to prevent PCB warping during PCBA […]

Die Bedeutung von In-Circuit-Tests (ICT) bei PCBAs

PCBAs are intricate assemblies with numerous components and solder connections. To ensure their flawless performance, In-Circuit Testing (ICT) is vital. ICT assesses individual components and electronic characteristics for imperfections. It’s a longstanding, dependable testing method in electronics. PCBA ICT Testing ICT, or In-Circuit Testing, detects defective components using electrical probes to check specific points on […]

Beherrschung des Lötpastendruckverfahrens in der Elektronikfertigung

Mastering the Solder Paste Printing Process in Electronic Manufacturing Solder paste printing is undeniably one of the most formidable challenges in quality assurance within the realm of electronic manufacturing. This challenge escalates as technological advancements usher in a fusion of large modules and diminutive chip components on densely populated printed circuit boards. Consequently, establishing a […]

Umfassende Box Build OEM Services von MTI

Comprehensive Box Build OEM Services by MTI MTI specializes in delivering comprehensive solutions by seamlessly integrating electronics into mechanical enclosures. Our extensive experience in system integration and high-level assembly, including Build to Order (BTO) and Configure to Order (CTO), makes us a top choice for Box Build OEM services. MTI Assembly capabilities With a proficient engineering […]

Reflow-Löten beherrschen: Ein umfassender Leitfaden

Mastering Reflow Soldering: A Comprehensive Guide Reflow soldering stands as the predominant method for attaching surface mount components onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). During the pick-and-place operation, components are situated on the board atop paste deposits. The reflow soldering process then facilitates a dependable electrical and physical connection. Solder pastes melt and subsequently cool to […]